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What is a Performance Management System?

What is a Performance Management System?

“Attention is the rarest form of generosity.” –Simone Weil  How wonderful does it feel when someone notices the smallest detail about you? Or recognizes how much passion you put into your work? It makes you feel seen. Because they took time to compliment you, it inspires you to return the favor.  This same philosophy should…

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A Better Way to Do Performance Reviews (Part 2)

As part of our series on best practices, we made the case for why you need to prioritize giving feedback to your team through a scheduled performance evaluation. This week we’re going to talk about a better way to conduct performance reviews. Good management includes an element of coaching. If you watch coaches they are…

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Don’t Skip Employee Performance Reviews: Here’s Why (Part 1)

Chances are performance reviews aren’t something you or your employees get stoked about. They can be awkward and ineffective, especially if it’s the only time of year you provide feedback. (This is a bad idea, but more on that later.) The truth is, timely feedback is critical. And your employees likely want it, even if…

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