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Payroll Near Me: The Benefits of Choosing Local Payroll

April 28th, 2022 | 4 min. read

By Gia Rolen

Memphis blossoms in the springtime. Trolley night lights up South Main and midtown patios bloom with conversation. The month of May invites people from all over the world to experience the hidden magic of Memphis. 

The downtown farmer's market is my favorite part of our city in the springtime. After I buy my favorite flowers, I roam around, thinking through which locally-harvested ingredients I want to throw together for a meal. 

Downtown Memphis

For every $100 spent at a small businesses, $48 is put back into the local economy.


This is hands down a much more pleasant experience than trying to find parking at any of the Krogers. At the farmer's market, you're bumping into old friends, enjoying the fresh air, and gaining a deeper appreciation for the city, all while sipping on a delicious coffee. 

Why should payroll feel any different? Why can't you sip on a cold brew from a local roaster and discuss PTO plans? Why can't your customer service feel like a friend who is always in your corner? Why can't a meeting be at a favorite patio on a perfect spring day?

After all, payroll is kinda like a farmer's market: it offers several different features that you can mix together for a better back office. Your customer service feels warm, approachable, and real. And when you shop locally, you support other small business owners like yourself. 

At Whirks, we're passionate about serving our Memphis community. We love seeing our clients streamline their processes and relieve the administrative burden of payroll, so they can focus on growing their business and providing the best service to their customers. 

In this article, we're going to explore why choosing a local payroll provider can help your business blossom and grow. Whether you own a business in the bluff city or have stumbled upon us, we'll explore if choosing local is best for you and your team. 

Your customer service is personal. 

I think we can all agree that no one enjoys being on hold for hours, transferred to a different department, or told to call back later.

With most local payroll, you'll have a dedicated customer service representative that helps you navigate your business needs. They'll process your payroll, answer questions, and get to know you as an individual. 

At Whirks, we have a team of Customer Success Specialists - Kacie, TJ, Tomarro, Keishia, Tara, Melissa and Cassie.

Businesses with less than 500 employees make up 99.7% of all U.S. employers.

The Business Journal Daily

While most national payroll providers offer some form of support 24/7, you can't rely on speaking with the same person twice. If you're wearing payroll as a second hat, it's a frustrating, time-consuming process that steals time away from the tasks only you can do. 

Outsourcing your payroll to a local payroll provider helps you get time back into your day to lead your team, interact with customers, and plan out the dreams you have for the future. 

You receive a tailored package unique to your business. 

At the downtown farmer's market, my favorite flower vendor invites you to create your own bouquet. I usually have a hard time choosing, but I always appreciate their patience, advice, and kindness - even when it's bustling and there's a line behind me. 

In the same way, a local payroll provider customizes payroll packages to your unique business needs. National providers also tailor to your team and industry, but the difference is like ordering a bouquet online. 

You still have plenty of options, but a floral expert at a local shop will light up about what they do. They'll ask you who it's for, what they like, and explain which arrangements are best. At the end of it, you've connected to another owner, supported another small business, and most importantly, seen the same passion for what you do, but in a different way. 

You'll refer their business to friends and family, and they'll remember what you do and who you are. 

Training and implementation are less stressful. 

Although you don't need to meet with your local payroll provider in person (after all, everything is done electronically!), it is refreshing to know that you can stop by the office to pick up a printed check or drop in to say hello at year-end.

Being able to discuss business goals, handing over sensitive data, or having your quarterly business review over a real lunch instead of a virtual one can be a refreshing taking on vendor relationships.

If an urgent matter with your company arises, you can pick up the phone and reach your client success specialist directly. Or you can book a zoom meeting to address confusion or issues that may arise.

Even though most of our meetings are virtual, it gives you peace of mind knowing that your local payroll provider is in your corner - and right around the corner.

Local business generates 70% more local economic activity per square foot than big-box retail.


You support your local economy. 

As a small business, you know the importance of choosing local vendors, restaurants, and shops - every interaction, every customer, every good review – matters more to you than a big chain. 

Local payroll providers create jobs and opportunities for people with varying degrees and backgrounds. 

Additionally, because you and a local payroll provider live in the same area, you share a history and care about the same causes (and also support the Grizzlies).  

You want to see your city grow, blossom and thrive. You want to support other small business owners. You want to hype local products. 

Small businesses donate 250% more than large businesses to community causes. 


Choose 901: Memphis Payroll

Memphis is a special place. Even if you don't like basketball, you celebrate when the Grizzlies win. You've made fun of the bass pro in the pyramid, but you also have to admit – it's pretty cool. And on spring days, nothing beats that sunset on the river. 

But the greatest thing about the Bluff City is the passion that small business owners exude. Somehow, whether it's a restaurant owner or an architect, they possess a special talent for dusting off the forgotten pieces of Memphis and revealing its beauty. 

At Whirks, we empathize with your passion and want to be a part of it. We want to see you continue to grow and expand. We want you to hire the best people for your team. And we know that relieving the burden of payroll gives you the time to do so. 

If you're interested in chatting with us, we invite you to book fifteen minutes with our team to see if we can help you and your business get one step better, every day.